It’s time to Marie Kondo our lives!
Since the release of the popular Netflix series on the “Kondo” method, people worldwide have been decluttering their lives, bidding farewell to things that no longer spark joy. It’s an intriguing concept, but what exactly does it mean to let go?
Well, we all know the feeling of being weighed down by things that no longer bring us joy. But what does it truly mean to let go? It’s about releasing the energy-draining, purposeless, and emotionally draining aspects of our lives. And a big part of that is setting boundaries!
Whether you’re a manager struggling to separate work and life or a supermom who finds it hard to say no, this is your gentle reminder that you deserve to put yourself first. It’s time to reclaim your energy, find balance, and ignite that spark within.
To help you on this journey, I’ve found two fantastic resources to share with you. The first is an excellent article on setting boundaries in a more personal sense. It’s filled with practical tips and insights that will empower you to navigate various aspects of your life with newfound clarity and balance. You can find it here: [].
And for all you superheroes managing teams and conquering the professional world, I’ve got a manager/workplace-specific advice on how to set boundaries. Say goodbye to burnout and hello to a healthier work-life dynamic. Check out the article here: [].
Remember, you’re not alone in this journey. We’re here as a community to support each other, share our experiences, and inspire positive change. So unleash your inner spark and let go of what no longer serves you.
Join me in creating a life that resonates with our values, where self-care is a priority and joy becomes a daily companion. Together, we can ignite a wave of transformation and embrace the power of boundaries.
With love and excitement,